Saturday, 13 June 2015

Okay, here's the actual Bat-HUD

So, trying to test some systems, here's your HUD:

Now with Gadgets
The idea is that while in the Batcave, you pick 4 gadgets to put into your Utility Belt. Those four gadgets can be accessed by using hotkeys.

Monday, 8 June 2015


Been quiet on the blog; mostly because I've been working on the finer details of The Caped Crusader. Here's what I have that I can show off;

The HUD is almost complete.... Hey, this is harder than it looks, Okay?

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Not much to add, but...

Here's the title screen;

Insert Batman theme that you're most familiar with.
I'm hard at work trying to make a grab system work. There's a lot of bugs to work out, But I'll do it.